Part 2 – Oct. 2023

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October 15, 2023

I stopped both Olive Leaf Extract and Echinacea one week ago to see what would happen.  If they aren’t effective, why use them?

A few weeks back, I noticed that while Jackson was getting better, he still wasn’t playing as much as he used to.  Jackson and his brother Banksy used to have wrestling matches a few times a day, and they weren’t doing that anymore.  The newfound boredom caused Banksy to look for interaction elsewhere and thus started a spat between him and Kipper, who apparently does not like to engage in wrestling matches. Anyway, I wondered if the Olive Leaf was causing an upset stomach or something, so I decided to stop it for a few days and monitor his progress. 

After a few days of being off of everything, his nose got really stuffy..  It is mostly clear, but I need to wipe it a few times a day and unclog any hardened boogers so he can breathe. I have actually picked at them with a fingernail to dislodge them, which inspired me to create a new saying… “You can pick your cats…. and you can pick your nose.  And if you need to, you can pick your cat’s nose!”  Oh… and the sneezes are back!  He does the open his mouth and look up in surprise thing when he gets that nose tickle, and if I have one, I grab a tissue and get ready for flying boogers!  They aren’t really snot-rockets, just mostly clear mucus, so that’s good I guess.

Oddly though, his activity level is back to what it used to be!  He definitely looks like he feels better, so I am hoping to find something else to try with his nose.  I read about Moringa and will probably try that next.  I will keep you posted!!

Curse of the Chronic Cat Cold – Part 1.

Curse of the Chronic Cat Cold – Part 3.

What is a Chronic Upper Respiratory Infection? Read more about it HERE.

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